Around the Desk – Dynamic Standing Elements
Static working by permanently staying in the same position is known to be harmful to the back.
Office elements that allow dynamic standing promote flexible loading of leg muscles, including the ankles, and thus prevent signs of fatigue.
Checklist for future-proof dynamic standing elements.
The dynamic standing elements …
✓ meets future needs of the workers for dynamic standing and flexible office work (future orientation).
✓ complies with the principles of environmentally friendly production, use and disposal (sustainability).
✓ is unique and innovative – and stimulates efficient and creative working (innovativeness).
✓ supports flexible working positions and thus a balanced and back-friendly use of the musculature (recreation).
✓ can be easily combined with other office elements or technologies (technology integration).
✓ supports communication and teamwork (teamwork).
✓ supports important criteria for ergonomics, functionality, and usefulness.
The following office dynamic standingelements have been certified based on the criteria of the COMFURNACY seal: